Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Taking the iPods on their own out of school adventure!

For four days in May, we take our Year 6 students to camp.  One of the activities that we like to do is something related to ICT.  In the past, we have taken digital cameras and laptops - they have taken a variety of photographs and uploaded them onto a document (we used The Printshop 2) and shared these at school on our return.  THIS year, I thought it would be great to take the iPods - we could shoot some HD video of the campers, take photos, and then use an iPod app to create a digital postcard of some description.  I found an app that would do the job called 'Lifecards'.  It was very simple to use - in fact, the parent helpers within the group were keen to have a go as well!  On completion of their card, they took a screenshot (home button and power button) and I synced their work onto my iPod laptop (The only criteria was that they had to have their name on it so they could find it later).  When we returned to school, I had over 5000 photos and short videos (and of course, 120 lifecards) for the children to use and upload to their digital portfolios, or create a new piece of work in class.  The children who were not in my class had a brilliant opportunity to use the iPods and were subsequently very enthusiastic (and I think a little envious).

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